Responsibility (control) area is a coherent part of the interconnected transmission system including interconnectors, operated by a single Transmission System Operator (TSO) with connected demand facilities or power generating modules, if any.


Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity (recast) in Article 2(67) defines ‘control area’ as a coherent part of the interconnected system, operated by a single system operator and shall include connected physical loads and/or generation units if any.


There are three possibilities when it comes to interactions of the control areas with bidding zones:


1. the control area matching the bidding zone (most often, Poland, Belgium, etc.);

2. the control area split into several the bidding zones (for example Sweden);

3. several control areas forming one bidding zone (for example Germany).


Pursuant to the ENTSO-E Supporting Document for the Network Code on Operational Security of 24 September 2013 (2nd Edition Final) the term 'responsibility area' covers a different part of the system than the term LFC Area: the TSO is responsible for maintaining the (N-1)-Criterion of its own grid and all the interconnectors to adjacent TSOs.


The components comprising this network are together called responsibility area.





IMG 0744






Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity (recast), Article 2(67) 


Network Code on System Operation (System Operation Guideline - SOGL)


Electricity Balancing Network Code (Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing - EBGL)


ENTSO-E Supporting Document for the Network Code on Operational Security of 24 September 2013 2nd Edition Final











Scheduling area


Synchronous area


Load-Frequency Control Area (LFC Area)


Load-Frequency Control Block (LFC Block)


Monitoring area





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