Category: European Union Electricity Market Glossary


‘Island operation’ is the independent operation of a whole or a part of the electricity network that is isolated after its disconnection from the interconnected system, having at least one power generating module supplying power to this network and controlling the frequency and voltage.



Network Code on requirements for grid connection of generators (NC RfG)


Article 2(43)


'Island operation' means the independent operation of a whole network or part of a network that is isolated after being disconnected from the interconnected system, having at least one power generating module or HVDC system supplying power to this network and controlling the frequency and voltage.



According to Article 40 of the Emergency and Restoration Network Code (NC ER), each Transmission System Operator (TSO) , when in the following system states:


- emergency,


- blackout or


- restoration,


is entitled to gather from Distribution System Operators (DSOs) the necessary information about at least:


- the part of their network that is in island operation;

- the ability to synchronise parts of their network that is in island operation; and

- the capability to start island operation.





IMG 0744







Network Code on requirements for grid connection of generators (NC RfG), Article 2(43)


Emergency and Restoration Network Code (NC ER), Article 40






