Normal State means the System State where the system is within operational security limits in the N-Situation and after the occurrence of any contingency from the contingency list, taking into account the effect of the available remedial actions.



Network Code on System Operation, Article 3(2)(5)


'normal state' means a situation in which the system is within operational security limits in the N-situation and after the occurrence of any contingency from the contingency list, taking into account the effect of the available remedial actions


Other System States are:


Alert State,


Emergency State,


Blackout State,




The criteria to be used by the Transmission System Operator (TSO) when classifying the System State of its Transmission System as Normal State are as follows:


i. voltage and power flows are within the operational security limits and frequency is within the frequency limits for the Normal State as defined in Network Code on System Operation;


ii. active power and reactive power reserves are sufficient to withstand contingencies from the contingency list; and


iii. operation of its responsibility area is and will remain within operational security limits even after a contingency from the contingency list and after effects of remedial actions.




Article 18(1) of the Network Code on System Operation


1. A transmission system shall be in the normal state when all of the following conditions are fulfilled:

(a) voltage and power flows are within the operational security limits defined in accordance with Article 25;

(b) frequency meets the following criteria:
(i) the steady state system frequency deviation is within the standard frequency range; or

(ii) the absolute value of the steady state system frequency deviation is not larger than the maximum steady state frequency deviation and the system frequency limits established for the alert state are not fulfilled;

(c) active and reactive power reserves are sufficient to withstand contingencies from the contingency list defined in accordance with Article 33 without violating operational security limits;

(d) operation of the concerned TSO's control area is and will remain within operational security limits after the activation of remedial actions following the occurrence of a contingency from the contingency list defined in accordance with Article 33.







IMG 0744






Network Code on System Operation, Article 18(1), Article 3(2)(5)



















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